Streaming Web Video is one of the most effective methods of promoting your website & increasing online sales.
It does this by increasing the conversion rate of web pages and by attracting the attention of search engines like Google and Bing. Online video also has the beneficial effect of raising the comfort level of viewers by speaking to them directly, which in turn encourages them to follow a call to action.
The BIA/Kelsey User View Study done as early as 2010 published the following results:
- 21% of viewers make a purchase after viewing a web video
- 26% of viewers visit a brick-and-mortar store after watching an online video.
- 21% of video viewers request more information on the product or service being promoted.
- Over 9% of all adult web surfers watch a video online almost every day, while another 20% watch one at least once a week.
- …and these numbers have only increased!
Another study done at a major North American University showed that online viewers retained only 3-5% of textual information – but that figure jumped to over 70% when they were presented with streaming New Media like web video.
For those who want to stay ahead of the curve, here are the top takeaways from eMarketer’s report…
- People spend more time with digital video than with social media: In 2015, digital video finally pulled ahead. Users are spending an average of 1:55 with digital video each day, and only 1:44 on social networks. In fact, time spent with digital video now trumps time spent with all other listed digital platforms, including digital radio, Facebook, and Pandora.
- Viewers are spending more time watching digital video than ever before – The time adults spend watching digital video each day has increased from 21 minutes in 2011 to one hour and 16 minutes in 2015. Meanwhile, time spent watching traditional TV has been decreasing steadily since 2012.
- Ninety percent of online shoppers said they find retailer videos helpful in making shopping and buying decisions. Retailers that provide online video to show off their products report that products with videos sell a lot more than products with no videos.
- Tablet use is soaring: Increasingly, we’re using our tablets and smartphones. In fact, of all the devices, tablet use had the greatest annual growth from 2011 to 2015, at 120 percent!
Video is no longer an “up-and-coming” marketing tactic — it’s here, and it’s a powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers and prospects. And the most recent statistics show it’s working quite well. Did you know, for example, that including video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%? Or that 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others?